Hey! I’m Rashida, and I am the Ally Coach.

Some basics: I believe humans deserve to be treated like humans.

If you’re still with me, we’re going to have a good time.

If that rubs you the wrong way, it’s best you exit ASAP. It only gets worse from here.

Allyship is about using your unearned advantages to help those without them. It’s about making mistakes, learning from them, and doing better the next time. All of this work is in an effort to make the earth a safer place for everyone to live.

Hopefully, you’re here because you are ready to begin or advance your ally journey. I am definitely here to help.

‘I’ll tell you what freedom is to me: no fear. I mean really, no fear!’

- Nina Simone

What is an ally… really?

The word “ally” has been used and abused for as long as it has been around. There have been way too many people taking on the title while consciously or subconsciously abusing the very people they were supposed to be protecting. This practice, going unchecked, has led to a major distrust among people who claim the title of “ally” and marginalized folks.

I’m here to change that.

Around here, the word ally is a verb. It is in the moves we make. It is in the education we we gain. It lives in the stories we listen to and the voices we amplify.

The foundation to a sustainable ally journey begins with a cultural humility mindset. If cultural humility is a new term for you, or if you want clarification about what it means, this clip gives a great explanation.



Your ally journey is where your ego goes to die.

Most of us were born with some sort of advantages that we did absolutely nothing to receive. These advantages allow us to move through society with little to no push back in that area of our lives. There are others, though that were not born with those advantages and in that area of their life, society makes life very hard and often times dangerous. Unfortunately, in many cases, our advantages allow us to get used to being the center of the conversation on the subject. Sometimes without even realizing, we center ourselves and not the people who are living without the advantage. THAT is our ego at work. THAT does not work in an ally journey.

The work you do on yourself, is just as important as the work you do for others. When you can move past nice words and good intentions, into the business of allyship, you will watch your world change for the better in real time.


No one is free until we’re all free.

So let’s get free.